
Florida Sergeant Charged With Assault And Battery On Female Officer Who Tried To Stop Him From Using Excessive Force On A Suspect


BLACK ENTERPRISE previously reported a Florida police officer was caught on video assaulting a female officer who interrupted him from using excessive force on a Black suspect. The officer, Christopher Pullease, has now been charged with assaulting his colleague while arresting the suspect.

According to CNN, the police officer, a sergeant in Sunrise, Florida, was caught on two other police officers’ body cameras. The video showed him preparing to pepper spray the suspect in the car and as he went to do so, the female police officer grabbed his belt to stop him. Pullease turned around and forcefully grabbed her by the neck and threw her up against another police vehicle and verbally threatened her. After releasing her, the sergeant was heard telling the other officers to turn off their cameras.

In a press release from the Office of the State Attorney, Harold F. Pryor of Broward County, Pullease “is accused of intentionally touching or striking the female police officer against her will, assaulting her by holding pepper spray up to her face and assaulting the civilian male by holding pepper spray to his face.”

Prosecutors filed the charges against Pullease last week on July 20 following an investigation by Sunrise Police Department and Broward prosecutors.

The 47-year-old, 21-year police veteran has been charged with one count of battery on a law enforcement officer; one count of tampering with evidence; assault on a law enforcement officer; and assault on a civilian male.

After the release of the video earlier this year, Sunrise Police Chief Anthony Rosa stated, “I find this behavior to be disgusting. I think the video speaks for itself. The initial contact between the sergeant and the officer was his hand against her throat.”

The incident took place on Nov. 19, 2021.

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