
Proud Boys Incur $1 Million Fine For Vandalizing Black Church


The Proud Boys are receiving consequences for their egregious actions, being forced to pay a hefty $1 million fine for vandalizing a ‘Black Lives Matter’ sign in front of a historically Black church in Washington, D.C.

In December 2020, the far-right, neo-fascist group held a rally that escalated into racially-motivated violence, targeting Metropolitan AME church by setting their sign on fire and removing another from Asbury United Methodist Church.

The Hill detailed how DC Superior Court Judge Kravitz presided over the case, determining that the incident at Metropolitan AME was an “attack” prompted by Former President Trump’s re-election loss. Four members were directly named and charged in the conviction against the group in general, including leader Enrique Tarrio, Joseph R. Biggs, Jeremy Bertino and John Turano.

Kravitz saw no possible justification for their actions, stating it “resulted from a highly orchestrated set of events focused on the Proud Boys’s guiding principles: white supremacy and violence.“

The extensive punishment went beyond the fine, as Kravitz detailed the full parameters in a 34-page ruling. Not only are all of the members forbidden to be   near the property, but also are banned from making any threats or hateful comments publicly towards Metropolitan AME for the next five years.

This victory for the church stems from their determined effort of justice, suing the Proud Boys for the attack while also seeking damages to fix the sign, as well as additional security to ensure the safety of members and future activities.

In a statement on the verdict, Metropolitan AME Pastor Rev. William H. Lamar IV spoke to The Hill on how their church remained steadfast in proving to hate groups that they cannot be bullied.

”We have an ancestral responsibility to fight legally, intellectually, politically, theologically any movement such as the Proud Boys that would not only deface our property but challenge our right to exist as citizens in this space.”

In his eyes, the case and winning verdict was important in stopping acts of “political violence” on this scale from occurring again.

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